Hello there! I am LaughsShadows, also going by Shadowss too.I am the creator of the non-punlished(yet) Arg horror:Met Once Again.

What isMet Once Again?

Met once again is a horror based story taking place during the great war that inclues a variety of characters and beings that take place in the story.
This also includes mentions of blood and gore in active combat during the story and how the characters cope with it will be portrayed in the chapters.

Who is the real threat thats not from the other side of the trenches?Only one way to find out.


Our first protagonist is Corporal Lawrence Fournier.he is a strange man with even stranger backstory, having nothing to tell about where he came from,what he was doing before the war, or what will he do after it. Not many of the men trust the corporal all that much other than his spotter and subordinate;Richard Hansen.


Our second protagonist is the sniper of the bunch named Richard Hansen. He is a shy yet loveable amongst the other soldiers unlike his spotter, Corporal Lawrence. Richard has a weird fascination with the dead, and despite the fact that it makes him out to be a weirdo from the general public, he is a good soldier nonetheless.

The Sweetest Private You'll Ever Meet.

Private dixon is one of the few soldiers who still has a heart and goes the moral way of things when the unit is not in the mental state to do so. He keeps everyone in good spirits and make sure to stay by others who are down.

Want to know and see more?

I am available most of the time and you can see my content on tiktok or twitter.i am happy to interact if you wish to know more!


Not much is known about this man, like seriously. No one knows where he came from, how he got here and how he became a major. He does his duties and often stays away from others when he can in the field, esspecially near his men.

You killed him, why?


Oh, Lawrence.

The way the flesh tore apart when you stabbed his neck, the way you cried for him all felt worth it in the end didnt it?The way you kept stabbing him over,and over,and over again while he yelled for you to stop.He trusted you, he cried so much while you walked away from him. How could you do that to your own offspring?